Friday, November 19, 2010


The Big Bang, so-called, created our universe 13.2 billion years ago, give or take a billion. However, ours is not the only Big Bang, much less the only universe. Many more are occurring elsewhere all the time; space is endless and therefore there is no limit to how many Big Bangs and universes there can be.

Depending on these other Big Bangs, time in these other universes may be quite different than our time, some faster, some slower.

In all the universes there are life forms everywhere, ranging from the primitive to the complex. The more complex forms are self-aware or self-conscious, reflecting the greater consciousness that is the ground of being itself, from which everything emanates. Highly complex life forms may be essentially only consciousness, with little physical presence at all.

After the universes are created, they collapse eventually back into themselves, resulting in more Big Bangs. There is no end to this cycle, any more than the cycle once began.

And it has no purpose. It just is what it is and is as it is.

Still, something else is going on with all this. Other dimensions are present, what we call psychic dimensions. This is the realm of the paranormal, beginning with clairvoyance, extrasensory perception and the rest, and extending to, at the extreme, the occult. The more complex the life form, the more these psychic phenomena are experienced. What we call the spiritual world and what we experience as the "spiritual" is part of this psychic dimension. It is a universe all its own, conceivably.

Finally, the more complex the life form, the more readily it can know the ground of being. This knowing, however, is on an intuitive level, a feeling level, not on the level of the intellect, for the ground of being is not something separate from the complex form, not something to be looked at as an object by the subject complex form. The ground of being IS the complex form. The complex form IS the ground of being.


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