Sunday, June 9, 2013


We worry about getting to the end of life and feeling that it has all been for naught.  Alas, though, it has not all been for nothing, even though we may feel it so. 

Behind the scenes of ourselves there has been an evolution taking place, as the Atman in each of us works its way to its awakening.  Many lifetimes are required for this purpose to be realized, but realized it will be, for it is a process. 

Because it is a process, there is the phenomenon of time. The Atman is in everything, and everything is in time.  Even a rock, which appears to be doing nothing at all, is still subject to the influence of time.  It too is in the process of awakening, not as a rock but as the Atman within it. 

We need not fret that our lives have been for naught, therefore.  Nothing is for naught.  Everything is the Atman evolving to its awakening.


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