Sunday, September 22, 2013


The Atman in us is drawn to its source, the Brahman, like the needle of a compass is drawn to a magnet.  The Atman's search for this source is not an act of will on its part, anymore that it is an act of will on the needle's part to seek the magnet.  It is an attraction, simply put.

Ironically, what the Atman does not realize is that its source is everywhere around it and within it.  It cannot see this, though, because of the human being that it is temporarily housed in and which it wears like a heavy coat.  The human being makes many demands on the attention of the Atman, distracts it, for what proves to be, before it is over, many lifetimes.

Eventually, however, by way of the law of karma, there is a wearing away of distractions resulting in a breakthrough, an "ah-ha" moment, an epiphany, for the Atman.  It sees Brahman.


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