Tuesday, February 25, 2014


This relates to POLARITY that I just posted here.  I wrote this two years ago.

The pairs of opposites, as they are called, are endless.  Everything has its opposite, day/night, life/death, hot/cold, peace/war, and so on. 

What, though, is the opposite of a person, of you?  The opposite of you is "not-you."  Another way to look at it is in terms of presence/absence.  The opposite of the present you is the absent you.

 Brahman plays the game of now-you-see-it, now-you-don't, or, in this case, now-you-are-seen, now-you-are-not.  This is to say, Brahman manifests itself and unmanifests itself, and as you, manifests you and unmanifests you.

The unmanifested, in this pair of opposites, is not nothing, though.  It is still Brahman, only not manifested.  Anything in the world that vanishes, only appears to do so.  When it grows dark at night, it is only the absence of the sun, but the sun only appears to disappear, so to say.  It is always there.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed.  You are energy.  When a human dies, when you die, you only seem to end, when in fact you've only switched from the manifested state back to the unmanifested.  You've returned to what you were before you were born, which, again, is not nothing.


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