Monday, May 26, 2014


Vairagya is a Sanskrit term meaning approximately dispassion, detachment, or renunciation, leading to moksha, or liberation.
Vairagya is a state of mind rather than a lifestyle, as it can be practiced equally well by a person with a family and a career as by a renunciate.

Vairagya does not mean a suppression of or a repulsion for material objects.  Rather is it a technique of discrimination or discernment whereby a person is attracted more and more to the inner spiritual state which effectively reduces his interest in the material world.
The person balances his inner and outer attractions by seeing that both are expressions of the One, of Brahman.

In the highest stage of Vairagya, the person is no longer tempted by objects.  The senses are entirely quiet. 

It is said that without Vairagya no spiritual progress is possible.


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