Thursday, August 21, 2014


Violence is contagious.  The “Arab Spring” is a prime example, where, to name a few, it has been Tunisia, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Syria, and now Syria/Iraq with ISIS.
But violence has been in the air for years in that region, with the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and then the flare-ups ongoing between the Palestinians and Israelis.   

Ukraine is now at war with Russian separatists on its eastern border, and while Ukraine is not an Arab country, all the violence to the south of them surely has had an influence.
The last time violence was out of control this way was WWI, which led to WWII, which led to the Korean War, which led to the Vietnam War. 
Violence, Eckhart Tolle teaches, is perpetuated by those who are “unconscious,” i.e. by those who are identified solely with the egoic self, political and social issues aside.  It is the egoic self that is territorial, prideful, suspicious, and unyielding.

High levels of consciousness, awakening, compassion, are smothered over by the distraction of violence.  People cannot think of higher things when everywhere there is mayhem and killing.

God is seeking to awaken through us, Tolle goes on to say, but our violence gets in the way.  Our violence is not God’s doing or intention.


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