Thursday, October 16, 2014


Meditation is not soothing the mind with idle thoughts.  Meditation is locking the doors of your senses so that your mind can be concentrated on the inner light that is Atman/Brahman.  As you continue to concentrate, to meditate, you begin to feel that, yes, Brahman, God, is within.  This is the central truth of Vedanta.

Next, you must long for God, discriminating between the eternal, which is God, and the non-eternal, which is the world of form.  Then you must feel dispassion regarding the experiences in your life other than God, as they are ephemeral. 
You will find it difficult to renounce the distraction of sense pleasures unless you have something greater than them to turn to.  For example, in the path of devotion, as your love for God grows, as you find sweetness in the thought of God, you will discover that your other desires and cravings leave you.

Knowing God is beyond the senses.  It is transcendental experience.  The purified mind, the purified heart is when there is no longer the desire for anything else but God.


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