Sunday, November 29, 2015


The thing you like today you won’t like tomorrow because you both will have changed.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Background consciousness, also called seed consciousness, also called stillness, presence, also called transcendental consciousness, or simply pure consciousness, is found in all of existence.  It is all of existence.  All of existence emanates from it like sparks from a fire.  It illuminates the conditioned, foreground consciousness of humans.
Background consciousness is the “witness,” the “watcher,” likened to a screen on which all that happens in the universe is projected.  Yet, it is not a doer, for no matter what appears on the screen, it does not react to it or interfere with it.
A person is liberated when he sees that his true identity is this background consciousness. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Your life does not end with the end of your life.  You are not who you think you are.

Saturday, November 21, 2015


The purpose of life is to find IT, which is all well and good because IT is everywhere and everything. 
The purpose of life is also to know IT, which is all well and good, too, or would be, if only IT could in fact be known.
For IT is the eternal subject, and as such can never an object, never an object of knowledge.  IT is always this, never that.  IT is the knower, knowing, knowledge in one, even as IT cannot know itself; eyes cannot see themselves. 
IT cannot be named, cannot be conceived of, cannot be described.

Yet, IT can be experienced.  Experiencing IT then is the purpose of life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Your life has already been lived somewhere else.  Everything that happens to you has already happened to you.  Everything you do, you have already done.