Friday, April 19, 2019


The destiny of the Atman is to awaken into its source the Brahman.  This may take many lifetimes, in the form of many different sentient beings, including humans.

Spirituality evolves, grows, matures, until finally it is ready to blossom.  After this blossoming, termed awakening, takes place, the Atman will never again be born into the physical world.  Its task is complete.

The human life that the Atman occupied in this process may live decades longer, but this has no bearing on what has already occurred.

Like a drop of spray falling back into the sea, the Atman is now, once again, one with the Brahman.  It is tempting to say that the Atman has returned to eternity since the Brahman is said to be eternal.

But these words eternity and eternal are misleading, insofar as they imply time.  Brahman is timeless, as is now, too, the Atman.

But wasn't the Atman always timeless, since it is the personal aspect, or experience, of the Brahman?  The answer is yes.  But while in the physical world, the relative world of form, it is time bound.  It is not until it awakens into the Brahman that it frees itself of time.


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