Friday, June 15, 2018


Dakshineswar is a small village on the Ganges River about five miles north of Calcutta.  In the 1850's, a group of temples within a compound there was built.  The construction was arranged for by a wealthy woman of the sudra caste (laborers and servants) named Rani Rasmani. 

She had built a Kali temple, twelve small Shiva temples, and the Radhakanta (Sri Krishna) temple.  A Chosen Ideal is that aspect of the Godhead selected by a spiritual aspirant for devotion, and the Rani's Chosen Ideal was Kali. The Kali temple became the most famous of the temples. 

The Rani engaged Ramkumar (1805-1856), the oldest brother of Sri Ramakrishna, as priest of the Kali temple.  This followed the dedication of the temple in 1855.  In this way, she was instrumental in bringing Ramakrishna to Dakshineswar.  She wanted Ramakrishna to be her spiritual guide.

Just north of the northernmost Shiva temple is the room which Sri Ramakrishna occupied for much of his life. 

Regarding the Radhakanta temple, both Ramakrishna and his brother served as priests there at one point.  When on one occasion the image of the deity was damaged, Ramakrishna personally repaired it.


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