Thursday, December 16, 2010


The big bang, so-called, was a fluke, just a phenomenon. The universe that resulted, with all its galaxies, stars, and planets, is also a fluke, just a phenomenon. Life forms in this universe are a fluke, just a phenomenon. That we humans are self-aware, self-conscious is a fluke, just a phenomenon.

Some say that human self-awareness, self-consciousness is a god, gods, or God seeing itself through our eyes, but this is unlikely.

Still, there is something else going on here. We all know it. It is like being in a dark room and sensing that you are not there alone, that something else is there with you. You don't know what it is exactly, even though you give it all kinds of names and otherwise try to conceive it, define it, describe it, but at the end of the day, you are, well, only there with it. If you are lucky enough you will make contact with it, or it with you, usually at a time when you least expect it and when you are not even trying. This contact seems to be what it and we are for. Whether THAT is a fluke is another question.


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