Monday, March 10, 2014


Meister Eckhart wrote, “The person who for a thousand years asks the question of life, ‘Why do you live?’ could provide the answer, the only answer, ‘I live because I am alive.’  The reason for this is that life is lived for its own sake and emanates from its own sources; hence it is lived entirely without whys or wherefores, because it lives for itself.”

Our bodies live for themselves.  While, through our senses, we experience our bodies and all that our bodies do in their interaction with the environment, we none the less feel that they are not us.  They have a mind of their own seemingly and do their own thing despite us.  Yet we insist on identifying with them, saying, “Yes, this is me.”  Looking in the mirror, we declare, “Well, there I am.”

Our sense that we are not our bodies comes from our background consciousness, the witness, Atman/Brahman.


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