Friday, June 23, 2017


There is a lot going on in the outside world, in the world of the senses, in the forest, but it is peaceful and calm here in the center, in the clearing that is “whatever-this-is.”
Here is the portal through which “whatever-this-is” awakened in me, this person, seven years ago.  May it grow ever more present in me, this person, continue to unfold, to blossom, to deepen, to widen.
After all this is its life, not my life, not this person’s life.  Its many lifetimes, its many journeys, including the current seventy-one years and counting journey, have been that it may realize its destiny, which is to awaken.
I, this person, am proud to have been its vehicle, and as it happens it final vehicle. I, this person, this biology will die one day, but it will not, nor will it ever be born into this world of form again, not as the subtle body it has been while being me, nor as any of the other incarnations it has been over the centuries.  Its task is complete, its mission accomplished, the deed done.
At the same time, I, this person, am well aware that I, this person, am one of the rare ones to have actually experienced the awakening of “whatever-this-is.”  It is said that it takes thousands, even millions of incarnations, as both insentient and sentient beings, that is as objects and then as living organism, for the awakening to occur.  That it has occurred in my lifetime, in this person’s lifetime, is humbling indeed.
But with this comes a responsibility to maintain the awakened state, because all too easily it can be smothered over by the outside world, the world of the senses, the forest, the thinking mind and egoic self, and the workings of the physical body.
But “whatever-this-is” has come too far for me, this person, to sabotage it by becoming so distracted as to lose the state.  Accordingly, I, this person, will not permit that to happen. Accordingly I, this person, will maintain the awakened state faithfully. 


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