The steps of the Noble Eightfold Path fall under
three headings: understanding, morals, and concentration. They
are so planned as to lead progressively to arahatship (sainthood) and thus
finally to Nirvana.
The first step in the Eightfold Path is Right Belief,
that is, belief in the Four Noble Truths and the view of life implied in
The next step, Right Aspiration or Purpose, is reached
by resolving to overcome sensuality, by having the right love
of others, by causing no harm to other beings,
and by suppressing all misery-producing desires generally.
The third and fourth steps, Right Speech and
then Right Conduct, are defined as not indulging in loose or
harmful talk or ill-will.
Right Means of Livelihood, the fifth step,
means obtaining one's livelihood in ways consistent with Buddhist
principles, such as, again, causing no harm to others.
The sixth step, Right Effort, implies unremitting
intellectual alertness in discriminating between wise and unwise desires and
Right Mindfulness, the seventh step, comes
of well-disciplined thought habits and attention to topics helpful to
oneself and to others.
Lastly, Right Meditation or Absorption refers to the
climax of all the other processes, the final attainment of states of
consciousness that assure passage at death into Nirvana, all karma
consumed, and rebirth forever at an end.
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