Sunday, September 9, 2018


In the posting here entitled "On Being Who You Are Not," this writer stated:  "The Atman is a witnessing consciousness...  It watches, observes. Observing, though, is all that it does. It does not participate in our lives, has nothing to do with this world of form beyond looking at it only. It is not responsible for events in the world."

But what about when something miraculous happens to us, our lives are saved in a car crash, for example, when the odds of it are astronomical, might it not be Divine grace?  Might not the Atman, which is Brahman, have stepped in?  The spiritual teacher Ram Dass said that it was Divine grace that kept the stroke that he suffered from killing him.

To argue that Divine grace does not exists, which Buddhists would do, is not easy.  We all have feelings about it based on our personal experience.  But there is always the other explanation.  Buddhists, as well as Vedantists for the matter, would offer that it is our karma, good and bad, that is responsible for our fortune, or responsible for much of it. 

In this way, when something exceptional happens to us, we can be grateful that we had some positive karma in the bank to help us, and then when something tragic befalls us, we can lament that somewhere in our past we made a poor decision.  The beauty of this is that with God out of the picture, we have no one to blame.  We have only ourselves to blame, this is to say. 

Why not both Divine grace and karma?  This seems more realistic. 


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