ASPIRANT: It has been said that for us to see
God we must "go within." If I
decide to meditate twice a day, for say three years, what can I expect to
happen? Will I get definite results?
SWAMI PRABHAVANANDA: You don't have to wait three
years. Do a half-hour of meditation a
day, but true meditation is like the pouring of water from one vessel to
another, with the current of your mind flowing toward God. If you can do that for half an hour, then you
will attain samadhi. But to reach that
state it might take three years or three lifetimes, depending upon how much
effort you put into it. Usually our
minds run away somewhere else.
We don't work hard enough to stop our mind in its
wandering. It all depends on how much
effort we employ. It's the quality that
counts, not the quantity. If you think
of God for even five seconds, those are five blessed moments in your
The other moments are in vain, wasted moments. So make your life blessed every moment by
thinking of the Lord every moment. We
must have purity of heart. What is the
sign of this purity? It is when the
natural tendency of your mind is to flow toward God. When you attain this state, you will see God.
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